Bluesy Tuesy is a friendly weekly social partner dance in Cambridge and Somerville, Massachusetts, held on Tuesday nights. We dance in Somerville at the NESFA Library at 504 Medford St, our usual schedule is lesson 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., social dancing from 8:30 p.m. on.

Two nights in February we will not be at our usual location; there will be house parties on Feb 11 and 18. We will be back at NESFA Feb 25.

Upcoming dance dates:

  • Feb 11 - Potluck and House Party at 40 Sixth St in Medford, MA. Potluck starts at 7pm, dance after! Note last minute location change! We are NOT on Meacham Rd near Davis Sq! Limited parking on Sixth St, but surrounding streets should have good availability. Wellington is closest T stop.
  • Feb 18 - Floofy Toofy, a Furry-Themed Blues House Party! Desiree DJ's, Somerville. RSVP and details at
  • Feb 25 - Fusey Bluesy Tuesy, we're at back at NESFA, Dr Sara Sheffels DJ debut!
  • Mar 4 - Ari Rabkin DJ debut!
  • Mar 11 - Balter hosts, DJ TBA

About Us

We strive to be about kindness. This is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led event that exists to make lives more connected and to allow people to share joy.

  • Admission is sliding scale, pay what you can, $5-$25. We're cash only but accept IOUs.
  • No partner or experience required, all ages welcome, queer friendly
  • When covid numbers surge past certain levels, we will suggest or require masks. This most recently happened in January 2025. Numbers are lower for February, so we're back to mask optional. Bluesy Tuesy and Second Sun Rising are the only events we know of that adjust requirements based on conditions.
  • Lessons are intended to be beginner-friendly though many of them are layered for multiple skill levels.
  • Most of the time we're doing blues dance with a bit of fusion, on the fourth Tuesday each month, we do fusion dance with a bit of blues.
  • Please don't wear heavy scents and perfumes, they give some people migraines.
  • We recommend you bring a reusable water bottle and comfortable safe dancing shoes. Good shoes for blues will be slippery enough to allow you to spin in place while being grabby enough to make sure you have secure footing. Most people choose to wear flat shoes, though sometimes people who have trained in other forms of dance, such as tango, wear shoes with taller heels. Dancing in socks is also fine.
  • Occasionally we cancel a dance for a blizzard, holiday, or other reasons, and sometimes we move the dance outdoors. We usually use Facebook to communicate about these things, so please like our page and join our group if you're there.
  • Please do not bring alcoholic beverages; we are an all-ages event.
  • We have an opt-in photo/video policy. Please do not take pictures of anyone at our events without advance permission from everyone being recorded. Designated staff do occasionally record dances for publicity or other purposes, we can exclude folks we know don't wish to be recorded.
  • We share a teaching pool with our sister dance, Blues Union.
  • Venue notes: The NESFA clubhouse on Medford Street has two gender-neutral bathooms. The venue is mostly handicapped accessible, however the bathrooms are not wheelchair friendly.
  • Full overview of our covid-19 pandemic response.
  • Bluesy Tuesy Code of Conduct

Check out our new local zine on building our dance communities!
Melange Zine: A Bostonian View of Fusion Dance


Black Lives Matter

Bluesy Tuesy joins millions around the world in mourning the deaths of Tyre Nichols, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, and far, far too many others. Black Lives Matter. We at Tuesy often ask our community to be kind. We also ask that you be just, and do your part to end systemic racism.


We're part of Boston's amazing blues and fusion dance community,
Check out the schedule of local dances!

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